A share draft account lets you pay your bills by mail just as you would with a checking account. You can use checks to pay for purchases as you make them without the risk of carrying cash. Our Checking accounts have no hidden costs. If you haven’t already, you should take advantage of this key service offered at the credit union.
Your checking account gives you...
No monthly fee
No transaction charge
Free online bill pay with IPAY
Easy access to your money on your computer or free mobile app
No minimum balance
A monthly statement showing all transactions on your account
Optional Overdraft Privilege
Centisble Savings
Stark Federal can provide you with this added benefit because we are a not-for-profit organization formed and dedicated to providing you with every financial benefit possible. We’ve got a good deal for you!
Why Check Anywhere Else? You can deposit or withdraw from your checking account 24 hours a day, nationwide with your Cash & Debit Card at any automatic teller displaying the STAR logo.
We also offer our Swipe & Go card, an alternative to costly prepaid debit card programs. Everyone qualifies!
Lost or stolen VISA card: 833-541-0770 | Lost or stolen Debit card: 800-472-3272 | Debit card activation or PIN change: 800-992-3808
Dressler Branch
4100 Dressler Rd. NW
Canton, OH 44718
Office: 330.493.8325
Fax: 330.493.8328
Loan Dept.: 330.493.7602
Loan Dept. Fax: 330.493.1619
Cleveland Ave. Branch
3426 Cleveland Ave. NW
Canton, OH 44709
Office: 330.493.8326
Fax: 330.493.8941
Alliance Branch
1281 S. Sawburg Ave.
Alliance, OH 44601
Office: 330.821.7225
Fax: 330.821.2004
Minerva Area Federal CU Shared Branch
(Cash and deposits only)
3570 Union Ave. SE
Minerva, OH 44657
Routing Number