You might approach your student loan the same way you approach those term papers: If you don’t think about them, they can’t really stress you out. Unfortunately, just like those papers, you’ll eventually have to write, your student loan debt isn’t going anywhere.
If you’ve borrowed the funds from a private lender, like Stark Federal Credit Union, you likely need to start making payments toward your loan before you graduate from school. Federal loans don’t have this requirement, but it’s still a good idea to start making headway on your loan.
Here’s all you need to know about managing your student loan debt:
1. Set it and forget it
The best way to make sure you never miss a payment is to set up an automatic payment plan. Your lender might even offer a discount on the interest rate for going autopilot on your monthly payments. Just make sure your account can handle the withdrawals so you don’t end up with an overdrawn account.
2. Look for a scholarship
Don’t make the mistake of thinking scholarships are only for incoming freshmen. Search through scholarship sites, like and, to check out grants you may be eligible to receive.
3. Keep your credit in excellent shape for a possible refinance
It’s crucial that you make all your monthly payments on time. This includes your student loan payments as well as any credit card bills, car payments, or other outstanding loans you may be carrying. This way, you might qualify for a refinance on your student loan a few years down the line. It can be challenging to keep that credit up, but the payback is enormous: A refinance can hack thousands of dollars off your student loan debt.
4. Watch out for student debt scams
There are loads of scammers who want nothing more than to swindle you out of your money. Don’t believe every email you get or every ad you see that promises to forgive your loan or settle it for you, courtesy of the US government. More often than not, these are scams. If you want to contact the federal government to see if you can settle your debt, do it on your own at
5. Remember: There is life after debt
Forking over hundreds of dollars each month to pay down your student loan when you’re living off ramen noodles and budgeting like crazy to pay for toiletries can really sting. Remember, though, that it isn’t money in the garbage. Your student loan payments are going toward your degree, which will increase your earning potential by leaps and bounds. Hopefully, it will pay for itself within a few years.
There are also lots of upsides to paying off a loan that may seem irrelevant. You’re essentially being forced to learn how to live with a budget and to spend below your means, a lesson that will stand you well throughout life. You’re also building a strong credit history which will give you a leg up on any other large loans you’ll want to take out in the future.
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Dressler Branch
4100 Dressler Rd. NW
Canton, OH 44718
Office: 330.493.8325
Fax: 330.493.8328
Loan Dept.: 330.493.7602
Loan Dept. Fax: 330.493.1619
Cleveland Ave. Branch
3426 Cleveland Ave. NW
Canton, OH 44709
Office: 330.493.8326
Fax: 330.493.8941
Alliance Branch
1281 S. Sawburg Ave.
Alliance, OH 44601
Office: 330.821.7225
Fax: 330.821.2004
Minerva Area Federal CU Shared Branch
(Cash and deposits only)
3570 Union Ave. SE
Minerva, OH 44657
Routing Number